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Perth Beer Tours
Perth Beer Tours - Where fun is on tap

Perth Beer Tours Terms

By booking a tour you have agreed to the terms below.

Perth Beer Tours Tours reserve the right to cancel the tour at our discretion due to factors beyond our control, including not reaching minimum passenger numbers. PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOBILE PHONES ON SO WE CAN CONTACT YOU in such cases. In such cases we will offer you to tour on the next available tour, an alternative tour of equal value, or a full refund.


Confirming your booking

Your booking is not confirmed until you have provided payment.

Gift vouchers

Some of our gift vouchers are set at the value of products at the time of purchase.  When redeeming the item named on the gift voucher is subject to availabilty and minimum on tours numbers.  Should the price have changed between purchase of the voucher and booking of the tour a balance will be payable.  All gift vouchers are interchangable across products.

Discount codes

From time to time we issue discount codes with additional conditions on obtaining the discount, the terms and conditions in the marketing specfic to the code add to these terms should the corresponding code be used.

Cancellation of Tour due to COVID reasons

Should you cancel your tour due to government COVID regulations, you are entitled to a full refund of your tour (minus any transaction fees.), providing you give us reasonable notice.

  • This could include. 
  • Restrictions that prevent the venues being able to open
  • Travel restrictions that prevent you from entering WA or Perth
  • Travel restrictions (or a high risk of them being imposed)  that will require you to quarantine either on your trip either to or from WA, resulting in you choosing not to travel. 
Reasonable notice requirements
1) You must have informed us where you are coming from and when you plan to arrive in Perth so we can easily anticipate the cancellation.
2) If you have chosen not to travel, you must inform us of the decision not to travel at least 12 hours before your tour or within one day of your intended arrival date, whichever is longer.
3) Should government policy change imminently prior to the tour, the change in government policy will supersede all notice requirements, and the refund will be issued.

COVID cancellations do not include
Being refused entry to a tour or a venue because;
  • You cannot produce proof of vaccination
  • Refusal to comply with current government directions, which may include but not be limited to, seated service, mask-wearing, proof of vaccination

If you are, asked to leave a tour, cancel inside the below cancellation periods or choose to leave a tour due to the above being enforced, no refund will be provided.

Please note from 3rd Jan 2022, as per WA government legislation, all customers must be vaccinated against COVID 19 and be able to provide proof of vaccination before boarding the tour.


Cancellation policy individual Tours

Daily Tour bookings cancelled outside of 72 hours prior to the tour will incur a 15% administration/merchant fee or can be moved to another tour at no cost, note only one change permitted per booking and once a tour is moved no refund is available. Tour bookings cancelled within 72 hours of the tour departing, and 'no shows' will be charged a 100% cancellation fee.


Cancellation policy private Tours

Private tours maybe cancelled with more than 7 days’ notice,If cancelled with less than 7 days’ notice all monies paid are forfeited

Cancellation policy Christmas Functions / Festive Season Corporate tours

This includes tour on Thursdays and Fridays from 10th of November to 23rd Dec each year.

As this a very busy time and venues often require deposits prior to booking we must impose stricter cancellation policies.

Perth Beer Tours will charge a cancellation fee equal to whichever is the higher of the below.

  • After 10th November 20% of total estimated tour value.
  • With 21 days or less prior to the tour 40% of total estimated tour value
  • 7 days or less notice all monies paid are forfeited

Liabillty for damage

All patrons are 100% responsible for the costs of repair or replacement to any damage or soiling to property while on tour, if paid directly to the property owner.  Should Perth Beer Tours have to pay for the damage on your behalf an additional 20% will be charged as an admin fee

Behaviour of Patrons

Perth Beer Tours reserve the right remove any intoxicated persons from the tour with no recourse for a refund.

If you behave in an abusive or offensive manner towards staff or Perth Beer Tours or our partner venues you will be ejected from the venue and no longer permitted on the tour, all pre paid transport will be forfeited with no recourse for a refund.


Other important stuff

Tour guests must be 18+ years of age and should not drink alcohol prior to a tour. Tour drivers and venue staff staff are RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certified and keep a constant eye out for the safety and well being of all passengers at all times. 

By booking a tour you consent to the following;

1)  Perth Beer Tours may share relevant personal information with our partner venues and government authorities regarding contact tracing for COVID 19 or follow any government direction to do so

2)  Images containing you being shared on social media, however if we receive a written request these can be removed within two business days 


REQUIREMENTS: Casual tidy dress, some venues we visit may have a dress code and Perth Beer Tours take no responsibility for you not gaining admittance to a venue.


Any marketing information, collected will be used soley for the purpose it was collected for and followings the policy of the source of the data

Release and Waiver of Liabilty. A person booking a tour for a group must inform the guests of these terms and accept on their behalf.

I fully understand that there may be consumption of alcohol before, during and/or after the Tour either by me or other participants on the Tour, and that I will provide age verification when asked. I understand that Perth Beer Tours (PBT) does not require me to consume alcohol to participate in the Tour. I understand and acknowledge the potential risks and dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility NOT TO BECOME INTOXICATED OR UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY SUBSTANCE during the Tour, and that PBT will ask me to leave and/or refuse service if I become obviously intoxicated. I take full responsibility for any liability associated with my intoxication, during or after the Tour. I acknowledge that PBT assumes no liability for injuries that may occur to me or others, and no liability for any civil or criminal violation or damages that may be assessed against me as a result of my being intoxicated before, during or after the Tour.

I acknowledge and understand that during the tour, I may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which are inherent during proximity to a working brewery. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, death and property damage (“Injuries and Damages”) resulting from, but not limited to: (i) falling, slipping, or tripping due to wet or uneven floors, cords and hoses, drains, curbs, or material(s); (ii) walking in unfamiliar corridors, gangways, stairways and driveways; (iii) proximity to pressurized vessels, operating steam equipment and piping, cleaning chemicals, motors, and machinery; (iv) loud noise from operating equipment or depressurizing tanks; (v) forklifts; and (vi) other hazards associated with an operating factory. I further acknowledge and understand these Injuries and Damages cannot be eliminated in a working brewery. With this knowledge, I voluntarily assume full responsibility for the risks of touring, consumption of under the influence of alcohol and for my behavior, well-being and health during the Tour. I agree not to hold PBT, its Staff, or the hosting brewery/restaurant/facility liable in any way should any harm come to me.


Perth Beer Tours HAS NOT TRIED TO CONTRADICT OR MINIMIZE MY UNDERSTANDING OF THESE RISKS. I know that Injuries and Damages can occur by natural causes or activities of other persons, other users, staff of PBT or other third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons. I understand the risks of such Injuries and Damages involved in entering a working brewery and I appreciate that on a Brewery Tour I may have to exercise extra care for my own person and for others around me in the face of such hazards. I further understand that there are not medical personnel or medical facilities or expertise necessary to deal with the Injuries and Damages to which I may be exposed.

I further understand that on rare occasions an emergency requiring medical treatment can develop. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to provide for my own accident and health coverage while participating in the Tour and while transporting myself to and from the Tour; accident and health coverage is not provided by PBC. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during the tour. I agree to pay for any medical, dental, surgical, or other hospital care, or diagnosis rendered to me. It is understood that I am required to designate emergency contact(s) and that efforts shall be made to contact my designated emergency contact(s) before rendering treatment, but that any of the above treatment will not be withheld if the designated emergency contact(s) cannot be reached. To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to WAIVE AND DISCHARGE CLAIMS AGAINST, RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Perth Beer Tours and its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates and their respective past and present officers, directors, stockholders, managers, members, partners, agents and employees (collectively, “Released Parties”) from and against ANY AND ALL LIABILITY on account of, or in any way resulting from, my death or personal injury relating to my participation in the tour, even if caused by NEGLIGENCE of the Released Parties; Such negligence could involve (a) negligent operation and supervision of a Vehicle, (b) negligent maintenance or operation of the equipment in general, (c) negligent manufacture of or use of equipment, and (d) the negligent provision of emergency response services. I understand and intend that the assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigners. This Waiver and Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. If any provision or any part of any provision of this Waiver and Release is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Waiver and Release shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable.


Have a question, don't hesistate to get in touch

Phone: +61 402 421 233

Ultimate Beer Tours Run

Wednesday-Sunday ~1030am-530pm

Evening Beer Tours Run

Wednesday-Saturday ~6pm-10pm

Walking Beer Tours Run

Wednesday: 6pm-10pm

However with enough notice or a large enough group we can add a tour when it suits you.

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